My Last Memory at IFL in 2016 (VI)

21st June 2016

“If we hadn’t saved the two second, we would have lost this photograph.”, Henna Mao (21/06/16)

Today, as a E4.2 students, we took group photo with two lecturers: FE and AL. In the beginning of the first session, we have lost a chance to take photo with our lecturer AL.

However, after doing the evaluation form, I told my friend to inform the rest of the class to wait in order to take a group photo together. I decided to talk to lect. AL immediately. When I came back to the class, I saw lect. FE was talking with my classmates. Suddenly, one thing came into my mind, I talked to him and asked him to take photo for us. Some of my friends were amazed. How could I ask lect. to do me a favor? Honestly, I didn’t care much. To me, he was the right person to do. If he rejected, it might be me who needed to do that. Thank you Father for his loving kindness.

After that, my friends also wished to take photo with lect. FE. However, it seemed that he was shy, a little bit uncompromising, or angry with me. He arranged his stuff and still rejected to get into the loop. What should I do? You know. I shouted and asked my friends to remain silent and then asked them to move to the other side. I means to ask them to move to the teacher desk. That time, lect. FE had nothing to say. I didn’t know, to him, whether I was a little bit rude or not.

In fact, I really like saving my last memory with my surroundings. I should be happy, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I should not have stayed away from IC. I should have reconciled and talked to him today. I should have smiled and laughed at him. I didn’t. I chose to remain silent. Truly speaking, I was waiting for him to talk to me first. He didn’t say “Hello”. He remained silent too. Seemed like there was nothing happened.

When he found his exam paper, I had thought that he could have found mine and given to me. He didn’t. He passed it to other person without passing to me. I was a little bit upset. How could it be? Why did I feel so sad?

Maybe I think too much. I am nothing to him. With me or without me means nothing to him.

Most of the time, I always start first, even the simple word “Hello”.


Henna Mao (21st June 2016)

Love Nature as Yourself